Free Games Online

Princess Warrior Slots

If you visit online casinos, how many free games do you play there? Some players only ever look for the real games offering real prize chances. However, others head for the demo games first - and there are some good reasons why they do this.

We take the same tack. We know you can learn plenty from this tactic, so let's look at some of the things you can find out by trying free games online.

Which slot themes do you prefer?

There are thousands of online slot games available today - and the developers are releasing more even as you read this article. Software developers have done an excellent job of covering lots of different themes as well.

Some take us into history, covering ancient Greece, Egypt, and China. Others take us far into the future or even to an unknown alien planet or fictitious destination.

Then you've got games based on animals, monsters, fantasy characters, and stories. In fact, if you can think of a topic, there is going to be at least one slot game out there based on that same topic.

By playing free games first, you can narrow that topic selection to find the ones you love most.

How does each game work?

Different games work in many ways, so you won't always be able to guess how something pans out just because you've played something similar elsewhere.

We've played plenty of games based around ancient Greek gods, for example. Some are based around a series of gods, with each one bearing their own power and influence over the game. However, other developers have created a series of games, each one taking a different god and giving us a different take on the topic.

Point is, you cannot assume you'll understand how a game works until you play it. That's why free games supply the best way to begin play.

Is the game volatile?

Volatility refers to how often the game may produce prizes. If a game has a high volatility level, it is more likely that it might reveal several major prizes in quick succession. However, it is also more likely those prizes could be interspersed with long fallow periods with zero prizes to be won.

In contrast, the low volatility games are more likely to produce a regular run of prizes. They're going to be smaller though. You're also more likely to see prizes of lower values in the paytable, whereas the high volatility games tend to have bigger prizes available… if you can get them. That's the hard part!

What type of game do you prefer?

Online casinos offer a range of games you'd expect to find in a standard casino. These include slots - the most popular games of all - but you've also got access to table games, video poker, and even some specialty games at some sites. By trying lots of different ones, you'll soon get a feel for your preferences.

You can see there is a lot to learn about playing various online games. So, the next time you want to try something, do just that - go for the demo games that are free to play first.